IX Congress of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine

On November 27, 2012 the ninth Congress of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine took place in Kyiv.

The heads of the Ukrainian branch Associations and industry enterprises from all regions of Ukraine discussed the goals and tasks of Federation for the next year.

The Congress was visited by The Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, heads of the State Customs and Tax Services, other officials.

All-Ukrainian Union of Regional Associations of Chemical Industry Employers of Ukraine was represented at the Congress by the President of the Union Oleksiy Golubov and the heads of its Regional Departments.

In the center of the participants’ attention were the issues related to a new jobs creation, promoting establishing funds to support small and medium business, building new infrastructure.

Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Federation of Employers of Ukraine Mr. O.Golubov reported on the results of inspection of financial activity of FEU, noting a stable financial position of the organization.


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