UKRPLASTIC Marks 90th Anniversary

A leading manufacturer of flexible packaging materials has marked its 90th anniversary. On June 29, 1927, an enterprise for the production of packaging was established in Kyiv.

Since 1932 the development of the enterprise has been closely connected with innovative technologies and the expansion of the export potential of the economy.  The company has a history filled with unique discoveries and the overcoming of obstacles, with periods of victories  and record achievements.

Thanks to the talent and strategic engineering ideas of the outstanding scientist and inventor Oleksandr Galkin, who managed the enterprise for more than 20 years, a new, export-oriented segment of the economy has been created from scratch for the production of packaging with multilayer polymeric materials for the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other industries. Projects have been implemented that still do not have any analogues present elsewhere in the world.

 Today UKRPLASTIC belongs to the international holding company IMMER Group and produces modern packaging materials for regional companies and multinational corporations in 35 countries of the world. Patented packaging solutions of the company are environmentally safe, and they reduce food waste and extend the shelf life of products due to their barrier properties.The materials used are completely recyclable and can be reused.

UKRPLASTIC has received many congratulations from partners and customers, and in addition, awards were given on the day of the celebration to the best professionals of the enterprise from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ukrainian Union of Chemists, the Kyiv City Administration and the Mayor of Kyiv. According to Irina Mirochnik, the President of IMMER Group, employees are the greatest value to the company which has been developing an innovative vector of the economy since 1927. “Day by day, the quality of life of millions of people is being improved thanks to the high professionalism of our team. Specialists of the company are solving complex technological problems, developing new environmentally friendly and safe packaging solutions for manufacturers of various industries, creating new trends in the packaging industry and maintaining a tradition of high responsibility, professionalism, and a patriotic attitude towards their work,” said Irina Mirochnik. “UKRPLASTIC values the long-term cooperation with its clients, partners, professional communities and universities. We are sure that 90 years is just the beginning of a new stage of development. New interesting joint projects and achievements await us.” 

Reference: IMMER Group is one of the world's largest manufacturers of flexible packaging materials. It includes two plants - UKRPLASTIC and IMMER Digital, a research and development center, and a design studio, with branches in 10 countries of Northern, Central and Eastern Europe. It exports to 35 countries of the world. The company's products comply with the environmental and legal requirements of all markets, including the EU and the USA.


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