Responsible Care


Responsible Care® is the global chemical industry’s unique initiative to improve health, environmental performance, enhance security, and to communicate with stakeholders about products and processes.

Responsible Care commits companies, national chemical industry associations and their partners to:

  • Continuously improve the environmental, health, safety and security knowledge and performance of our technologies, processes and products over their life cycles so as to avoid harm to people and the environment.
  • Use resources efficiently and minimise waste.
  • Report openly on performance, achievements and shortcomings.
  • Listen, engage and work with people to understand and address their concerns and expectations.
  • Cooperate with governments and organisations in the development and implementation of effective regulations and standards, and to meet or go beyond them.
  • Provide help and advice to foster the responsible management of chemicals by all those who manage and use them along the product chain.

Launched in Canada in 1985 to address public concerns about the manufacture, distribution and use of chemicals, Responsible Care has since spread to nearly 60 economies all around the world. Launched in 2006, the Responsible Care Global Charter expands and extends the process of continuous improvement beyond chemicals manufacturing to other activities, especially those associated with the safe use and handling of products along the value chain.

In 2010, Cefic and its member federations adopted the European Responsible Care Security Code. Cefic’s role is to advance Responsible Care in Europe promoting and ensuring consistency of implementation by national member federations.  Each Cefic member federation is responsible for developing and running its own national Responsible Care programme with its member companies, and for overseeing implementation by those companies. Cefic also focuses on engaging with stakeholders, increasing the involvement of SMEs and extending Responsible Care throughout the value chain.

Our Partners

Cefic Cefic
Європейська рада хімічної промисловості - Об’єднання виробників хімічної продукції Cefic представляє інтереси 29 тисяч великих малих і середніх європейських компаній, які загалом утримують 1,2 млн. робочих місць і виробляють 21% хімічної продукції в світі. Cefic тісно співпрацює з керівними органами ЄС, міжнародними, недержавними та іншими зацікавленими організаціями.
Міжнародний центр хімічної безпеки (м. Тарнов, Республіка Польща)
Green Chemistry Green Chemistry
Польський кластер “Зелена хімія”

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