UCU President Mr Golubov address at AFEM meeting

Chemical industry sector is an important part of Ukrainian economy. It includes about 50 big enterprises plus more than 6500 medium-size and smaller companies. They employ near 155 thousand people and produce more than 6000 names of chemical products.

Foreign trade turnover of Ukrainian chemical sector has reached 14.4 billion US dollars in 2011. Export of chemicals from Ukraine last year was near 10% of whole countries export and share of the chemical industry in GDP is about 6%.

Ms Chairperson, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,

It is an honour and pleasure for us to attend the Global Chemical Industry European Convention.

Ukrainian Chemists Union as a National Association of Chemical Industry supports the objectives of Cefic and shares the values of our European partners. We also support the efforts aimed at implementation of common approaches to legislation and regulations on chemicals production and their safe use, tariff regulations and trade practices. UCU welcomes the introduction of international standards of safe management of chemical products, voluntary initiatives and principles of corporate social responsibility. This is why the Ukrainian Chemists Union Board decided to apply for Cefic Associate membership. 

Let me briefly introduce the Ukrainian Chemical Industry:

Chemical industry sector is an important part of Ukrainian economy. It includes about 50 big enterprises plus more than 6500 medium-size and smaller companies. They employ near 155 thousand people and produce more than 6000 names of chemical products. Foreign trade turnover of Ukrainian chemical sector has reached 14.4 billion US dollars in 2011. Export of chemicals from Ukraine last year was near 10% of whole countries export and share of the chemical industry in GDP is about 6%.

Country’s largest chemical manufacturers representing 70% of the national chemical industry by turnover have joined Responsible Care initiative and UCU making further efforts to attract smaller-sized and medium companies. We are grateful to Cefic and ICCA for the support Responsible Care initiative in Ukraine.

Ukrainian Chemists Union as a national professional association coordinates activities of 73 Ukrainian chemical companies and research organisations. UCU represents members’ interests in the legal and executive powers of Ukraine and international organisations. UCU also supports national and international initiatives aimed at enhancing chemical safety and security.

We are looking forward to cooperate with you to help chemical industry in supporting sustainable development of our economies.

Ladies and gentlemen thank you for your attention.

Our Partners

Cefic Cefic
Європейська рада хімічної промисловості - Об’єднання виробників хімічної продукції Cefic представляє інтереси 29 тисяч великих малих і середніх європейських компаній, які загалом утримують 1,2 млн. робочих місць і виробляють 21% хімічної продукції в світі. Cefic тісно співпрацює з керівними органами ЄС, міжнародними, недержавними та іншими зацікавленими організаціями.
Міжнародний центр хімічної безпеки (м. Тарнов, Республіка Польща)
Green Chemistry Green Chemistry
Польський кластер “Зелена хімія”

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