Workshop "Development of Safety Data Sheet of chemical substance"

On November 27th, 2012 The LLC “Scientific and Technical Center of Ukrainian Chemists Union” in cooperation with the “All-Ukrainian Union of Regional Associations of Chemical Industry Employers” supported by the “Industry Accidents and Occupation Diseases Social Security Fund of Ukraine” has organized in Kyiv, Ukraine, a Research & Production Seminar on the issues related to the order of Develoment of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of chemical substance (mixture).

The seminar was attended by representatives of enterprises and other organizations of the machinery building industry of Ukraine, suppliers of chemicals, Regional Departments of Industry Accidents and Occupation Diseases Social Security Fund of Ukraine.

Participants were provided with a full set of the topic related materials including reports, GPS programs, the system of classification and labeling of chemicals GHS, EU regulations REACH and 1272-2008, DSTU GOST (ДСТУГОСТ) 31340-2010 on precautionary labeling of chemicals (mixtures), DSTU GOST (ДСТУГОСТ) 30333-2009 "Passport of the safety of chemicals" etc.

In the run of the seminar the participants were given the course of lectures and had possibility to discuss different aspects of the chemical industry activity on the implementation of corresponding EU and Ukrainian legislation in the area of securing the materials safety.

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