IMMER Group and FAO team up to combat food loss

A training seminar for representatives of the fisheries and aquaculture sector has been held. The training was initiated by experts from the FAO Fisheries Department in Rome (Italy). Irina Mirochnik, the president of IMMER Group, was invited as an expert on minimizing food loss.

Specialists from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the State Ecological Academy, the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management, and the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University were trained on new methods for assessing food loss and food waste in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

In addition to the correct methodology, effective tools for the reduction of food waste and loss during production and transportation were also discussed. Experts note that correctly selected packaging solves many problems, including those related to reducing food waste and food loss.

"The use of innovative technologies for the production of flexible packaging can significantly extend the shelf life of products and save their nutritional value. It is important to note that thanks to the use of correct packaging, up to 50 percent of losses associated with food spoilage can be prevented,“ Irina Mirochnik, president of IMMER Group, emphasized. "Our company, as an active participant of the SAVE FOOD initiative, promotes modern methods of preserving food and regularly contributes to the minimization of food industry waste.”

An analysis of the fishing industry in Ukraine and consultations with industry leaders and experts during the seminar have revealed the need for a working group of experts that will be able to share its experience with domestic representatives of fisheries and aquaculture.


REFERENCEUKRPLASTIC is part of IMMER GROUP, and one of the world's leading manufacturers of flexible packaging materials and labels for the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and other industries. The holding company includes the IMMER DIGITAL factory, which specializes in digital printing technologies, as well as its very own DESIGN STUDIO.

IMMER GROUP has a long history which dates back to the year 1927, and for more than 20 years it has been providing a full cycle of production of flexible packaging materials. It is among the TOP-15 European manufacturers of the industry. IMMER GROUP is a member of the European Association for Flexible Packaging, the ERA, and the WPO. The company is an active participant in the environmental initiatives Safe Food and Responsible Care.

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